Prepared in all things

We take it that there can never be too much elegance in the world, because elegance is what turns the everyday into victory. Elegance is your armour. Wear elegance, and you will be prepared in all things.

Elegance for all

Jewellery is the extension of your style that makes the difference - it determines the angle from which your outfit is interpreted. So while it is sometimes not centre stage, it can give your outfit the subtle edge that makes it elegant.

For this reason, our powerful designs aim to affirm your character and sharpen your style, at a price that leaves room for the rest of your outfit.


Our Story

When our founder Samara Bumba was a child, she and her sister Raissa used to create worlds made of playful imagination. Raissa invented an alias which she used as a fantasy name. One day, Samara saw her sister write this name on a piece of paper - and thought it looked beautiful. The name was Khaisa. It spoke to Samara, and she decided that one day, she would make something of it. A philosophy was born, on the foundation of a sisterly bond.

Today, Samara designs jewellery to boost our confidence, under the name Khaisa.